A fantastic new Hack & Slash Action RPG from Line Games.
It’s Heeeeer! I had a blast voicing: Sentry Lant, Hunter Walda, Resident Monda, Rune Hunter Ethed, Smuggler Ixiad and various other (mostly dying) NPCs in this fantastic new Hack & Slash Action RPG. Thanks to @alphastudiosuk1 and @ChatterboxVO for inviting me to play!
Birth of the 13th Being, Evil God Serpens
Light came from darkness, and that light split into 12 different divine beings. The 12 beings that rose from the void shared their powers to create Traum and lived peacefully amongst their descendants. The descendants prospered under the blessings of the 12 beings who were now worshipped as gods. But one day, an unexpected being, Evil God Serpens came into existence.
Now available on Apple Store, Google Play and Steam!