Jake and the Hot Air Balloon

Jake and the Hot Air Balloon-COVER

Jake and the Hot Air Balloon, by Maurice Huffman is the story of an orphan named Jake and his magical journey in a run-away hot-air balloon.

The wind carries him through many adventures, some very amusing and others quite dangerous.

Along the way, Jake encounters a strange cast of characters, including a battalion of hole-in-the-Swiss Cheese Shooters, a family of Environmentalists, a Band of Pirates, a talking Toucan and one very plucky Mouse, named Milton.

The adventures of Jake and Milton originated as bedtime stories, which the author told his son.

This book combines the adventures and were finally written down as advised by the author’s son Miles, who also provides the illustrations.

The adventures of Jake and the Hot Air Balloon is a delightful journey through the imagination, destined to become a Children’s Classic.